Get to know me
I am a Software developer and computer scientist specialized in building Scripts, AI Action Models and Web Apps. To get things done, i use latest technologies from best programming lanagauges such as GO, Typescript, Python to best databases PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB and best methodologies CI/CD using Jenkins or Github Actions...
Aere Naim
Agadir, Morocco
Front End: (React, NextJS & Svelte...)
Back End: (NodeJS, Python, PHP, .NET...)
Cloud: AWS, GCP, Azure & Oracle
Tools:Jenkins, Github Actions...
AWS SageMaker, Jupyter Notebook, BigQuery...
Trained AI models powered by AWS SageMaker and built the necessary infrastructure for deliver: AI User Personalized Content. AI User Optimised Send Time. Developed and maintained: Cloud solutions in Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. Web and Bot development for Teams and Slack. Data analysis using BigQuery, Jupyter Notebook..
Developed admin dashboards using Node.js, TypeScript, and ReactJS. Architected solutions on Google Cloud, and DevOps operations including CI/CD pipelines
Led and managed a development team to deliver custom web solutions, including Websites, E-commerce Stores, CRM, and ERP integrations.
Full stack Development of: CMS Plugins Web apps Templates Desktop Apps
Feel free to contact me anytime
Always available for freelance work if the right project comes along, Feel free to contact me!